The SI Joint
What is the SI Joint? To understand what it is, we must discuss all that surrounds it. First, the Sacrum is a triangular-like shaped bone that sits between the two sides of the pelvis (the left Ilium and right Ilium). Now each Ilium has the ability to move independently. They are able to move because they are fused together by both the pubic symphysis (the joint where the pubic bone is located) and the ligaments of the Sacroiliac joint. There are two sacroiliac (SI) joints, one on each side of the sacrum, connecting the spine to the pelvis and supporting weight transfer. The SI joint acts like a shock absorber for the body. It provides stability while we walk, stand, and move. Though it has very little movement, when it becomes too tight or too loose, it can cause discomfort or pain in the lower back and hips.
- 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
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- Disclaimer #1: This is not designed as “Yoga Therapy” and will not diagnose or treat any specific ailments or injuries.
- Disclaimer #2: The purpose of this immersion is for education, exploration and understanding your options: there are no hard and fast solutions to injury’s that can be solved solely by practicing yoga
- Disclaimer #3: If you have an acute injury, be sure you have a doctors approval prior to practicing this immersion
When the sacroiliac (SI) joint becomes too loose or too rigid, it can lead to significant discomfort. One side of the pelvis may tilt forward (anterior) while the other tilts back (posterior), or one side may rotate inward while the other rotates outward. This imbalance can cause pelvic misalignment, leading to strain in the SI joint, especially when walking or completing other daily activities. Strengthening and activating the inner and outer hip muscles can help stabilize the joint and alleviate discomfort. However, we are all different, and finding the right approach requires mindful exploration. Within our yoga practice, we can experiment with different postures to discover what best supports SI joint stability. Gentle engagement, and a balance of mobility and strength are key to maintaining a healthy SI joint. With consistent practice, we can develop greater awareness of pelvic alignment and movement, helping to reduce pain and improve overall function.
When we strengthen the outer hip muscles, they can help to widen the SI joint by pulling the ilium away from the sacrum, providing space and potentially some relief.
Table Top Drill
Some of the most important cues in this drill are hugging the hip of the base leg in towards the midline. It’s not uncommon for the tendency to let the hip sag out to the side. Also, Matt cues us specifically, to lift the other leg out to the side while leading with the foot and not the knee (helping to keep the shin parallel to the ground).
Ardha Chandrasana Drill
In this drill, we are also lowering and lifting one leg. We are targeting Gluteus maximus, medius, minimus, and TFL.
Again, it’s all about finding what works. Not all movements and/or postures may be appropriate. What is it that helps us reduce pain? This is where the pursuit exists.
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In the latter portion of today’s video, Matt takes us through different ways of exploring inner and outer thigh activation with a strap. Here are the main steps for each variation:
Variation I (Outer hips)
- Tie the strap around the mid-thigh
- Pull the legs apart
- Create an anterior tilt of the pelvis
- Alternate balancing on one foot while pulling the strap apart
Variation II (Outer Hip & Inner Thigh)
- Bend the knees while squeezing a block between the the calves
- Alternate balancing on one foot
The standing leg will help to activate the outer hip muscles, while squeezing the block activates the inner thigh muscles (adductors).
Variation III
- Tie the strap around mid-thigh
- Pull the strap apart (from the backs of the legs)
- Walk without rotating legs
- Walk forward and backward
Activating the inner thighs can help to stabilize the pelvis when we walk. It may also help to level out the pelvis.
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It’s nice to imagine this perfect equilibrium within our bodies, but the truth is, we may never achieve that. This fact is perfectly alright. Perhaps a better goal is understanding. If we understand how to properly navigate and explore drills and asana that work best for our bodies, then we actually will find more “balance” in our everyday lives.
Diving deeper into this idea is available in Matt’s current online Therapeutics Immersion. Register now to get lifetime access to the plethora of knowledge Matt shares about pain, injury, discomfort, and most importantly, about how to traverse through these challenges.
The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date
The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date
Article by Trish Curling
Video Extracted From: Therapeutics Immersion
- Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
- Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
- Appropriate for both teachers and students
- Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
- Demystify yoga poses and transitions
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- Caters to all levels with modifications and props
- 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
- 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
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