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Tuck Jumps
Tuck Jumps
Tuck jumps can be a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands. They’re not the first step in the course of preparation, but they’re definitely a way of identifying where strength and proprioception require attention.
By performing tuck jumps, we build strength and bring awareness to how we use our glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, and shoulders, which are essential for supporting our body weight when we’re inverted. More than this, in order to find the best alignment to support ourselves while inverted, we learn the articulations of the body in places like the pelvis, rib cage, and shoulders.
In today’s video, Matt demonstrates drills that move us towards finding confidence in our handstand development. Ultimately, we develop increased strength and balance.
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Handstand Preparation I
With the support of a chair, hip flexor activation is one thing this stage of preparation for tuck jumps and handstands works on. We do this by focusing on pressing both feet down into the chair. This action is also essential because it’s always part of the setup for the drills that follow.
Handstand Preparation II
This time, we bring one leg straight up in the air while still pressing the other leg towards the ground or into the chair. Rolling forward with the torso and pressing the top leg back helps us use strength in the glutes and hamstrings.
Handstand Preparation III
Here, we alternate the legs by going from a tuck position to a lengthened position.
In this stage of preparation for tuck jumps, we pass through Handstand Preparations I & II. Setting up the pelvis is crucial for achieving the alignment necessary for successful jumps. Matt demonsrates a posterior pelvic tilt, which helps stabilize the lower back and engage the core effectively. He is careful to squeeze his knees together, creating unified strength in the lower body. This alignment not only enhances balance but also facilitates a smoother transition into the jump when we’re ready to explore. Additionally, Matt actively stretches his shoulders up to his ears, being careful to keep the arms active and straight. This engagement ensures that his arms are strong and ready to support the weight of the body during the handstand. By focusing on these key elements, he sets a solid foundation for mastering the tuck jump and progressing towards the handstand.
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Even when we begin to explore tuck jumps, there are still stages that help us to ease into the exploration.
We start in an “L-Hop” and then take both feet to a wall behind us, with the knees bent. Staying in that position while working towards stacking the ribcage, hips, and shoulders serves to create the foundation for us to explore the jump.
At this next stage, Matt continues to use a block behind the wrists and forearms in order to maintain the proper position. He reminds us then when we implement the jump, it’s common for us to lean back when we need to be leaning forward.
If you’ve practiced handstands with Matt before, then you’ll know that the “lean, grip, push” elements are always the basis for handstands; therefore, they also apply to tuck jumps.
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As we go through the preparations, we learn that without the static holds and the practice of control, we would never find the “float” or “hang time” in our tuck jumps and ultimately our handstand.
The stronger and more stable we are, the lighter we will feel. Yes, a tremendous amount of effort is required to build the necessary strength, but the reward is ease when our bodies are prepared. Preparation is the path to execution.
Matt’s Italy Retreat in April 2025 is now open for registration, and spaces are limited. Secure your spot for the ultimate guidance and support of your practice.
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Article by Trish Curling
Video Extracted From: Mobility Immersion
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Spanda In Backbends
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