Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

utthan pristhasana


Familiarity in a yoga posture can feel really good.  There’s a comfort in knowing exactly what to do when we get on a mat.  The thing is, we can get caught up in thinking that the more we do a posture, the more progress we’ll make.  We can become quite complacent with what we’re used to doing.  This approach can feel like it’s serving us until we’re confronted with something new.  

In today’s video, Matt demonstrates 4 variations of Lizard pose like we’ve never seen.  More than the positioning though, we learn the techniques that actually promote transformation.  This transformation comes in the form of increased stability, strength and/or flexibility.

chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



  • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
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  • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


The first Lizard variation is quite unique.  The positioning is actually set up like Humble Warrior.  If you’ve practiced with Matt multiple times, then you might know what I’m about to say next.  Yes, that’s right; we pull the feet towards one another in order to engage the adductors.  Just like in a more “traditional” Lizard pose, the thigh bone of the front leg is externally rotated in the hip socket.  The next muscle engagement happens in the buttocks by driving the front heel down into the mat.  This action is also activating the external rotators to roll the front thigh bone out against the pelvis, which is bowing forward.  The combination of pulling the feet together and pressing the front heel down will work to increase external range of motion over time.




In this more “common” Lizard variation, we get an opportunity to implement some additional specifics.  These “specifics” are the catalyst for the larger shifts that happen in our practice.

A key element we might miss is taking the hips up and back.  Again, this sets up a better positioning for muscle activation.  A tendency here is to drop the hips in the pursuit of flexibility, but if we are seeking increased flexibility, we must train our muscles to activate at any length.  This safety and integrity will eventually develop the flexibility we’re looking for.

Again we externally rotate the front thigh and send the torso in the opposite direction in order to have more space to get the forearms closer to the mat.  

Next, turning the toes of the front foot out, while pressing the heel down and dropping the pelvis are all specifics that ignite this Lizard variation.

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“Leaning Lizard” can be tricky, so taking the alternative Matt offers in the video will be helpful.  Initially he demonstrates that we’re trying to get as deep as getting the armpit down towards the lower shin with the knee out to the side (external rotation once again).  The alternative is coming up away from the forearms and onto the fingertips.  This will reduce the amount of external rotation required, while still allowing us to work into the posture.  

Ultimately if we’re attempting what Matt demonstrates first, it requires an extreme amount of external rotation, and as he mentions, will be a great preparation for postures like Agnistambhasana and Lotus pose.

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In the last variation we “build it up” literally and figuratively.  We are building upon our execution of technique, strength, and flexibility.  This is done by coming into another variation of Lizard pose with a block underneath the front foot.  It’s possible that we may be more familiar with utilizing a block under the hands or forearms (which is always welcome), but added to the use of the block in this variation is attention to the placement of the back foot.  Again, we are bowing to the inside of the front foot, implementing the external rotation in that upper thigh bone.  The rotation will provide a more powerful stretch to the deep glutes.

The accumulation of knowledge and implementation of these actions are the building blocks of our practice.  The techniques, combined with the “right” positioning for our bodies at the right time, with consistency, direct us on a path to true transformation.

Have you tried the “Hips practice” in Matt’s new online immersion Revelation yet?  Don’t miss out on an opportunity to further your education into the hip, but to also personalize your practice with the rich options and techniques Matt provides for your overall practice.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Hips & Hamstrings Immersion

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Shoulder Secrets

Shoulder Secrets

Shoulder SecretsbhujapidasanaSHOULDER SECRETS When approaching arm balances, it’s not unusual to go straight to a focus on the wrists.  Having to bear our weight into the wrists while balancing our body weight can be an intimidating thought (especially if we don’t...

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Twist Power

Twist Power

Twist Powerparsva bakasanaTWIST POWER It’s interesting what unfolds along our journey with our yoga practice.  As we grow, learn, and begin to understand more about ourselves things change, we change.  Not only do we learn so many things along the way, but in the yoga...

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Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You've Never Seen Itutthan pristhasanaLIZARD LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT Familiarity in a yoga posture can feel really good.  There’s a comfort in knowing exactly what to do when we get on a mat.  The thing is, we can get caught up in thinking that the more...

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Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

Internal Rotation: Strengthen from the Inside OutShoulder MobilityINTERNAL ROTATION: STRENGTHENING FROM THE INSIDE OUT It’s not unusual for us to find ourselves spending too much time in a slouched position. It could be due to a job, our poor habits on our electronic...

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Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana to Half LotusKurmasanaJANU SIRSASANA TO HALF LOTUS There’s never one single route to a posture we’re exploring. There are individual specifics we always need to consider.   When it comes to hip opening postures like Janu Sirsasana and Half Lotus, we may...

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Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose to TitibhasanaKurmasanaTURTLE POSE TO TITIBHASANA Turtle Pose is not tiny by any means! There is a great deal that goes into its preparation. It’s also an excellent preparatory posture for Titibhasana. The journey between these two poses is marked by a...

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Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana to Half Lotus



There’s never one single route to a posture we’re exploring. There are individual specifics we always need to consider.  

When it comes to hip opening postures like Janu Sirsasana and Half Lotus, we may believe that they are very close in terms of the amount of hip range of motion that is required. This may be true for some people but not for others and comes back to what we’re individually experiencing in our bodies. We may experience tightness or pain in either posture. While there can be a direct connection between hip range of motion and knee pain, there are actions and steps we can take to make access to these postures more available. In today’s video, Matt demonstrates techniques we can implement that reduce hip tightness while increasing hip range of motion.

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Both postures require external rotation of the hip. Yes, Half Lotus will require more, but we can still pay attention to the sensations we feel when setting up in Janu Sirsasana. The first thing we can do in the attempt to alleviate hip pain is to use support from props. The other “fix,” of course, would be to explore other postures that contribute to and develop increased hip range of motion.

In the Janu Sirsasana variations Matt demonstrates in the video, we see that he uses both towels and blocks to prop up either his entire body or the bent knee for support.

As far as other postures go, it’s often about activation of the muscles we’re trying to lengthen.

If we’re exploring Janu Sirsasana, then working intelligently on the variation that helps us practice without pain will be vital in our development towards Lotus Pose.




Matt jumps straight into Janu Sirsasana variations at the beginning of the clip.

He starts us off in a variation with a twist and a bind, which is a deep stretch for the hips. What we need to pay attention to here is both the amount of external rotation and potentially the activation of the muscles that surround the hip joint.  

We can give ourselves our own adjustment by using the hand to externally rotate the thigh and/or by pressing the knee down towards the floor for muscle activation.

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Whether we’re standing or sitting, the same principles apply. It’s never a good idea to force ourselves into a posture! Here are the steps:

  1. Bring the ankle up so that the shin of the lifted leg is parallel to the ground
  2. Use a self-adjustment to externally rotate the hip
  3. Bring the lifted leg out to the side (to help with hip tightness)
  4. Once the heel has been moved towards the belly  button, the knee can be lowered down towards the ground

Before lowering completely into an Uttanasana position, Matt offers more variations, in which we get the opportunity to bind the hands.  

This standing position might be the direct route to Half Lotus we’re looking for, due to our increased ability to rest the ankle of the bent leg across the standing leg. This can only be achieved when the tightness subsides and more range of motion is realized.

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Taking deliberate action and being very intentional about how we move and combine these two postures will indicate how much hip range of motion we develop.

In the final portion of today’s clip, Matt demonstrates the “baby cradle” movement with the bent leg. This helps us safely guide the bent leg out further, which is one of the vital actions to reduce tightness in the hip.  

Whether we opt for the bind variations or not, we are still mindful about how we set the hips in the Half Lotus variation. Using props to support the knee can serve as a reminder to encourage more external rotation. When we do this, we are actively supporting ourselves and providing ourselves with the ability to execute these deep hip-opening postures with more intelligence and ease.

Don’t miss your opportunity to register for Matt’s upcoming retreat in Italy. The Early Bird Options are closing soon!

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Hips & Hamstrings Immersion

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Shoulder Secrets

Shoulder Secrets

Shoulder SecretsbhujapidasanaSHOULDER SECRETS When approaching arm balances, it’s not unusual to go straight to a focus on the wrists.  Having to bear our weight into the wrists while balancing our body weight can be an intimidating thought (especially if we don’t...

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Twist Power

Twist Power

Twist Powerparsva bakasanaTWIST POWER It’s interesting what unfolds along our journey with our yoga practice.  As we grow, learn, and begin to understand more about ourselves things change, we change.  Not only do we learn so many things along the way, but in the yoga...

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Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You've Never Seen Itutthan pristhasanaLIZARD LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT Familiarity in a yoga posture can feel really good.  There’s a comfort in knowing exactly what to do when we get on a mat.  The thing is, we can get caught up in thinking that the more...

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Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

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Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana to Half LotusKurmasanaJANU SIRSASANA TO HALF LOTUS There’s never one single route to a posture we’re exploring. There are individual specifics we always need to consider.   When it comes to hip opening postures like Janu Sirsasana and Half Lotus, we may...

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Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose to TitibhasanaKurmasanaTURTLE POSE TO TITIBHASANA Turtle Pose is not tiny by any means! There is a great deal that goes into its preparation. It’s also an excellent preparatory posture for Titibhasana. The journey between these two poses is marked by a...

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Hip Extension


For some of us, postures like Virasana and Lotus can be uncomfortable or even painful for the knees, so we avoid them altogether. Depending on what we’re dealing with, this may be the best decision. If there is room for safe exploration, however, Matt provides intentional education on how to reduce pain in the knee joints and how to strengthen the surrounding tissues. Developing the ability to close the angle of the knee joint can be helpful in this endeavour.

Matt shows us a couple of ways to approach this:

        1.  Get stronger hamstrings to close the knee joint more tightly 

             (puts the least amount of strain on the knees in Lotus)

       2.  Stretch the quadriceps

             (strengthen first to warm them up and then stretch to create increased range of motion)

In today’s video, Matt demonstrates via Virasana variations how these actions can be implemented to move towards Lotus.

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It’s not uncommon to have a love-hate relationship with lunges, and this drill can be added to the list. There’s no denying that they get the job done when it comes to quadricep activation in preparation for Virasana and Lotus. As we’ve learned from practicing with Matt, it’s “strength before stretch,” and in the video, we see the strength portion. 

We start off in a low-lunge position with the top of the back foot pressing into the floor. As we press up into the lunge, we can negotiate the amount of load we want to place on the quadriceps.

If we need less weight on the back leg, we can lean our weight into our hands, which are resting on the front thigh for added support. If we want to load the quads, then keeping the weight more toward the middle of the posture will provide more intensity for the quadriceps.




Finding ways to support the execution of Virasana is imperative when we have concerns about injury or discomfort, particularly in the knees. When exploration is possible, Matt provides options for us to worry less about the knees.

Placing blocks underneath the buttocks in Virasana can be a supportive option, but we can go further. Matt shows us an opportunity to be a more active participant in transforming our experience.

He demonstrates sitting up on blocks in a forward position while actively lifting one heel up towards the buttocks. This movement will activate the hamstrings on that side. Next, we can remove a block and check in with the sensations in the knee joints by gently pulling each knee slightly upward. There may be a shift in sensation—hopefully the reduction of any pulling on the patella tendon. 

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Ardha Virasana

This may be considered a more accessible option; however, Matt warns that when we bow forward, this is where we might experience more pressure in the knees. Again, applying actions to generate strength can decrease pain. Part of the action described in the video is to press the knee down on the “Virasana side” of the pose, or lifting the heel towards the buttocks as we learned in the “supported Virasana” variation.

Half Virasana / Half Siddhasana

Here is where we move more toward what may become Lotus Pose.  

One of the key actions is to pull the knee out wide on the “Siddhasana side” of the posture. Of course, blocks can continue to support, along with the strengthening actions Matt offers in the video to cultivate integrity around the knee joint.

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Working on the shapes we create in Virasana and Lotus are valuable, but we find the richness in the cumulative actions we take to strengthen all areas of the hips in order to eventually stretch more fully into these poses. This means that executing variations like Half Lotus / Half Virasana and finding the articulations within them will ultimately support our ability to find our fullest potential.

One of the articulations that is highlighted in the video is the dorsiflexion of the ankle on the “Lotus” side of the posture. This creates a lock and and more evenly distributes the energy from the knee toward the ankle.

The variations we explore in Virasana are both a roadmap toward postures like Lotus and an investigation of our body’s current and potential capabilities.  

Matt’s upcoming Chromatic Global Training will support your continued studies of safe explorations in your yoga practice.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Breath of Fire Immersion 

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Shoulder Secrets

Shoulder Secrets

Shoulder SecretsbhujapidasanaSHOULDER SECRETS When approaching arm balances, it’s not unusual to go straight to a focus on the wrists.  Having to bear our weight into the wrists while balancing our body weight can be an intimidating thought (especially if we don’t...

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Twist Power

Twist Power

Twist Powerparsva bakasanaTWIST POWER It’s interesting what unfolds along our journey with our yoga practice.  As we grow, learn, and begin to understand more about ourselves things change, we change.  Not only do we learn so many things along the way, but in the yoga...

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Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You've Never Seen Itutthan pristhasanaLIZARD LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT Familiarity in a yoga posture can feel really good.  There’s a comfort in knowing exactly what to do when we get on a mat.  The thing is, we can get caught up in thinking that the more...

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Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

Internal Rotation: Strengthen from the Inside OutShoulder MobilityINTERNAL ROTATION: STRENGTHENING FROM THE INSIDE OUT It’s not unusual for us to find ourselves spending too much time in a slouched position. It could be due to a job, our poor habits on our electronic...

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Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana to Half LotusKurmasanaJANU SIRSASANA TO HALF LOTUS There’s never one single route to a posture we’re exploring. There are individual specifics we always need to consider.   When it comes to hip opening postures like Janu Sirsasana and Half Lotus, we may...

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Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose to TitibhasanaKurmasanaTURTLE POSE TO TITIBHASANA Turtle Pose is not tiny by any means! There is a great deal that goes into its preparation. It’s also an excellent preparatory posture for Titibhasana. The journey between these two poses is marked by a...

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Hanumanasana Hints

Hanumanasana Hints



Applying intelligent techniques to a posture like Hanumanasana is crucial—simply hoping for the best is definitely not the way to go! That mindset leaves us vulnerable to injury. Hanumanasana is also the type of pose that can be quite intimidating if we don’t have a lot of experience with it. Go slowly and use the techniques Matt demonstrates in today’s video, which offer a safe path to explore the variations and methods that feel right in our own bodies. The Hanumanasana “hints” provided help us understand what’s required physically. Through the techniques, we gain a grasp of what muscles are being engaged, when to engage them, and when to lean into expansion. Extension and expansion are the nature of the posture, but it is also rooted in stability and strength.

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There are 4 main actions that help us prepare for Hanumanasana. They help activate the muscles that surround the hips. Strengthening is in fact what will ultimately inform our capacity for increased hip mobility. The actions will also influence what we experience in regard to flexibility in areas like the adductors, abductors, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

Here are the 4 main main actions Matt outlines:

  1. Squeezing in
  2. Expanding out
  3. Rotating in 
  4. Rotating out 

In the video clip, we see how these actions are applied to the variations and drills.




The Lizard Pose variation offered today is rich in technique. Matt demonstrates a quadricep activation in the back leg while rotating inward and outward with the front leg. This provides an opportunity to exercise control within these movements. There’s also an element of squeezing in in order to remain balanced, especially if we plantarflex (point) the back foot.

After this strengthening, we move towards stretching and a degree of expansion. This is an example of what was discussed in our recent blog post, Postpone the Stretch Sensation. After training the body to understand that it is safe, through strengthening, we can then be more free to lengthen.  

After the Lizard rotations in preparation for Hanumanasana, Matt then opens up the posture by bowing his torso further away from his front leg and then taking hold of his back foot to stretch the quadriceps in the back leg.

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Now we actually get into the shape of Hanumanasana with the use of props. As always, there are options. Matt demonstrates with a bolster and two blocks; he also mentions that using sturdy chairs in the place of yoga blocks is totally acceptable. This is where the discernment to use what works best for ourselves as individuals is key.

Again, we start with control and contraction. Matt begins by pulling inward—pressing both the heel of the front foot and the back knee or back foot down while pulling them towards one another. He then layers on first an inward rotation of the front thigh to activate the adductor muscles, then he rotates the front thigh outwards to target the back inner thighs, front outer hamstrings, and gluteus muscles. Following these strengthening actions, stretching and lengthening are the next steps.

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Here comes the expansion. In this Hanumanasana drill, we put on socks to slide our feet on a slippery floor. 

Although we are experimenting with more depth, it’s imperative that we go slow with the amount of expansion. We know that we remain in control of the freedom in this drill when we can still engage and draw the legs back in towards one another as we alternate on each side. If we are unable to do this, Matt advises that we shorten the distance between the legs. There’s absolutely no rush. This is our opportunity to tap into the more controlled techniques previously explored. This is the foolproof preparation for Hanumanasana.

The waitlist for Matt’s upcoming online course The Pose Factory is open. You won’t want to miss more details about the techniques that unlock postures like Hanumanasana.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: The Splits Immersion 

lotus pose online yoga classes


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Shoulder Secrets

Shoulder Secrets

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Twist Power

Twist Power

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Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

Lizard Like You've Never Seen Itutthan pristhasanaLIZARD LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT Familiarity in a yoga posture can feel really good.  There’s a comfort in knowing exactly what to do when we get on a mat.  The thing is, we can get caught up in thinking that the more...

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Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

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Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

Janu Sirsasana to Half LotusKurmasanaJANU SIRSASANA TO HALF LOTUS There’s never one single route to a posture we’re exploring. There are individual specifics we always need to consider.   When it comes to hip opening postures like Janu Sirsasana and Half Lotus, we may...

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Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

Turtle Pose to TitibhasanaKurmasanaTURTLE POSE TO TITIBHASANA Turtle Pose is not tiny by any means! There is a great deal that goes into its preparation. It’s also an excellent preparatory posture for Titibhasana. The journey between these two poses is marked by a...

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Lotus Foundations

Lotus Foundations



Lotus Pose requires a healthy amount of hip flexibility. For some, it comes easy. Reasons for this might be that the person is hypermobile in the hips, knees, and ankles and/or that many months or years of effort have been put towards developing the capability in their bodies.  

If we push our limits to get into Lotus before our bodies are prepared, we can cause injuries that might have been prevented had we properly warmed up for such a deep posture. Implementing a “take a step back” mentality is key in moving our potential forward in the accessibility of Lotus.

Warming up doesn’t mean going straight into stretching and lengthening as much as possible. What we’ll see Matt demonstrate today is the importance of strengthening and contracting the muscles first.

chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



  • Technique-infused 2-hour workshop
  • Nondogmatic alignment awareness
  • Inner thigh & outer hip flexibility
  • Increase active range of motion of the hips and pelvic movements
  • Learn anatomy of the hips as you practice
  • Strengthen the muscles for optimal balance
  • Postural focus: Flying Pigeon and Lotus Pose
  • Injury awareness: Avoiding knee & low-back strain/pain/compression
  • Use anatomy knowledge to debunk popular alignment
  • Skillfully guided sequence by the founder of Chromatic Yoga, Matt Giordano
  • LIVESTREAM DATE: March 30th at 10am Eastern Time (NYC Timezone)
  • REPLAY: Available immediately, lifetime access


Homing in on the foundations is the “step back”; it’s like pulling an elastic band as far back as we can before we let it go. The farther back we pull, the further forward it will fly.

In the video, Matt demonstrates two variations of Baddha Konasana to get us started.  

Variation I

This will activate the external rotators of the hip. Getting into the posture requires widening the knees and bringing the soles of the feet together. Pressing the feet down while lifting the hips initiates the engagement of the external rotators so that we can access maximum external rotation of the hips.

Variation II

This time, we internally rotate the legs and take the feet wider than the knees to do the lift. These actions will support the engagement of the tensor fasciae latae (TFL, an internal rotator) but will also continue to activate the external rotators.




Targeting the muscles of the full circumference of the hips is essential when preparing for Lotus. Matt demonstrates 2 effective drills/postures to target the hip flexors.

Scissor Legs

Scissoring the legs will help us connect with the sensation of activating the hip flexors, but it’s the pulsing of the legs that builds more heat and stimulation of the muscles.

Happy Baby Pose Without Hands

Once again, we are in deep hip flexion, but it’s about more than just drawing the legs in close. Being intentional about actively pulling the feet in, as if we were holding them with our hands, while pushing the knees out is what produces the activation of the adductor muscles.

200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



  • Deepen your yoga practice
  • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
  • Learn foundational class structures and templates
  • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
  • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
  • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


One notable benefit of isometric exercises is that they help to recruit many muscle fibers at once.  “Most muscle strengthening exercises involve moving the joints, using the muscles to push or pull against resistance. However, isometric exercises involve holding static positions for long periods of time.”

Kandola, Aaron. 5 Isometric Exercises For People To Try. Medical News Today, June 26, 2023

This form of muscle contraction is commonplace in Matt’s classes.  In the video, he teaches us how to effectively use this type of engagement in the following postures when preparing for Lotus:

Crescent Pose Preparation

The action of drawing both feet towards one another and pressing down through the front heel will assist in activating the glutes and hamstrings of the front leg, while activating the hip flexors of the back leg.

Humble Warrior 

Pressing the sole of the back foot down and dragging it forward while pressing down through the heel of the front foot will assist in activating the back adductors and gluteus muscles.

Pigeon Pose

Pulling the two knees towards one another isometrically in the stretched position will help to activate the glute and hamstring muscles of the front leg and hip flexors and adductors of the back leg.

300 hour teacher training online



Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

  • Get 500 hour certified
  • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
  • Expand your teaching skills
  • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
  • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
  • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


Finally, we look at the outer hip muscles.  In a Forward Fold position, we push the back of the legs outwards.  This will ignite the gluteus medius and minimus.  We can layer on TFL activation by lifting each leg and pulling it forward to tap the back of each respective wrist.

Today’s postures may be part of a typical physical practice, but when we “dial back” and implement the actions that will strengthen and arouse the activation of the hip muscles, we can be more confident in moving towards greater flexibility and mobility to safely experiment with Lotus pose.

Matt’s upcoming workshop Hip Release will guide you towards a better understanding of how to maximize flexibility, strength, and mobility of the hips.

Register here to optimize your potential.

See you on the mat!

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Videos Extracted From: Lotus Immersion

lotus pose online yoga classes


  • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
  • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
  • Appropriate for both teachers and students
  • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
  • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
  • Release aches and pains
  • Learn how to avoid common injuries
  • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
  • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
  • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
  • Lifetime access

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