Spanda In BackbendsSIDE PLANKSPANDA IN BACKBENDS Spanda in backbends is the key to creating both stability and freedom in spinal extension. Backbends are not just about bending; they require a balance between expansion and controlled engagement to prevent excessive...
Spanda In Backbends
Spanda In Backbends
Spanda in backbends is the key to creating both stability and freedom in spinal extension. Backbends are not just about bending; they require a balance between expansion and controlled engagement to prevent excessive compression in the lower back. When we lengthen the space between the pubic bone and sternum, we create more even spinal extension, allowing the movement to be distributed rather than concentrated in one area. In today’s video, Matt demonstrates ways to create spinal extension to resist common patterns of spinal compression. He explores this through side plank variations, showing how precise alignment and muscular engagement can help maintain openness without strain. By working with Spanda—the pulsation between effort and ease—we learn to cultivate backbends that feel strong, spacious, and sustainable, rather than relying on passive flexibility alone.
- 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
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Spanda is the Sanskrit term for the natural pulsation of energy—the constant rhythm of expansion and contraction that exists in all aspects of life. It is the balance between expansion and contraction, effort and release, strength and softness. Rather than a static state, Spanda is a dynamic rhythm that allows us to move with greater awareness and responsiveness. In backbends, this concept becomes especially relevant—we expand through the front body while maintaining the necessary contraction to create support and stability. Backbends have the capacity to become either too rigid or too passive, leading to compression rather than true openness. By embracing and applying this “pulsation” of Spanda, we cultivate both strength and fluidity in our practice, allowing our movements to feel more integrated and sustainable. Understanding Spanda reminds us that every posture, breath, and transition is a dance between opposing yet complementary forces.
In today’s video, Matt demonstrates how Side Plank transforms into a backbend, revealing the balance between contraction and expansion. This movement requires a strong engagement of the underside body—the glutes, back muscles, and obliques—all working together to lift the hips. By drawing the shoulder blades toward one another and activating the back body, we create the stability needed to open into the shape. Expansion isn’t just about flexibility; it’s built through each intentional action in the setup. Matt offers a clear system:
- Begin in Side Plank with lifted hips
- Turn the pelvis and chest away from the ground
- Press the center of the “bow” (spine) forward and up.
Exploring both sides of the posture in today’s video allows us to examine where contraction fuels expansion, reinforcing the principle of Spanda. For extra support, the top leg can act as a kickstand, providing stability as we refine the movement.
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Increasing the complexity of Side Plank introduces the idea of further expansion. At first, these variations might feel more restrictive rather than freeing, as they challenge our strength, coordination, and balance. When new movements feel difficult—or even frustrating—we may think we’re contracting rather than expanding. However, true expansion comes from learning where to engage, where to stabilize, and how to refine movement to access deeper expressions of a posture. In today’s video, Matt explains that as we expand, the top leg becomes lighter, allowing for more possibilities. From here, we can explore a Tree Pose variation, bending the top knee and placing the foot against the inner leg, or we can take it further by lifting the knee toward the side body with the top hand. These progressions remind us that growth happens through challenge, as contraction paves the way for greater expansion.
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Reaching the highest height in backbends isn’t about pushing deeper—it’s about finding the balance between strength and openness, contraction and expansion. Spanda in backbends reminds us that every movement requires both effort and surrender, stability and freedom. Matt’s teachings emphasize that true spinal extension isn’t about collapsing into flexibility but actively creating space through muscular engagement. We learn to contract the right muscles to support safe, sustainable expansion. This principle extends beyond the mat—just as we find lift through grounding in yoga, we grow in life by embracing both challenge and ease. Expansion isn’t passive; it’s built through intention, awareness, and steady effort. By understanding Spanda, we cultivate resilience.
Go deeper into these teachings in Matt’s current online Spanda Immersion.
The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date
The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date
Article by Trish Curling
Video Extracted From: Spanda Immersion
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Spanda In Backbends
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