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Achieve Flying Balance
Achieve Flying Balance
Arm Balance
Achieving an arm balance is quite extraordinary when you consider all that’s involved. And when we refer to an arm balance as a “flying balance,” there is even more involved. The “flying” in Eka Pada Koundinyasana II refers to the expansion in the positioning of our bodies, which requires a great deal of adductor flexibility. That is to say that we are not only balancing on our hands, we’re also doing a variation of the splits. The techniques required for arm balances and splits can be quite demanding, so how do we put it all together? We take it step by step. Taking intentional and specific actions will support our journey towards the development of this posture.
In today’s video, Matt shares techniques that properly prepare us for our greatest potential in Eka Pada Koundinyasana II.
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The Side Angle variation Matt teaches in the video is an accessible entry point. It removes the balance while still allowing the nervous system to adopt the patterning. As he mentions, this variation “primes the body for the experience.”
What’s unique about this approach is that we set the arms up in the arm balance position so that we can get a feel for the hand placement. Because it mimics the shape of Eka Pada Koundinyasana II, we’re also developing the flexibility of the adductors (the “splits” portion of the pose). We also get an opportunity to iron out all of the alignment misconceptions we may have, especially regarding hand placement. Matt points out a common tendency, which is placing the top elbow too high—it should emulate where we would place our elbows if we were actually balancing the pose.
The very first balancing entry point Matt offers, with hands on the yoga mat on a diagonal, is a more controlled way to get into Eka Pada Koundinyasana II. Preparation for the adductors is necessary before we attempt these powerful entries.
From Standing Postures
This option is basically executed by flipping Side Angle Pose on its side. Coming in from the standing position offers more momentum.
Now, the back leg may feel heavy. To offset this feeling, Matt directs us to retract the shoulder blades and lower the torso closer to the ground. This shifts more weight forward. Entering from Trikonasana is also an option.
With Momentum
Coming from a Downward-Facing Dog variation may make entry easier. The momentum of thrusting forward with more force can assist in achieving this flying balance.
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Using socks as a prop for Lizard Pose entry can make it more accessible for the front leg. Matt notes that the keys here are to turn the front leg in and up, then climb up the arm by lowering the torso, creating a shelf. Next, we lift the same-side buttock up while sliding the back leg further back to eventually lift.
Socks & Blocks
In a Downward Dog position but with one foot on a block for greater elevation, we again use momentum and the smoother transition through the socked front foot to ease into the flying balance. Note here that removing the sock from the back foot reduces slipping on the block.
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The Chromatic approach lays out a detailed formula for step-by-step preparation for Eka Pada Koundinyasana II. Both leading up to the posture and in the posture itself, we can slide ourselves into the section of preparation that supports our growth and development. If it’s right for us to first develop the flexibility of the adductors, we can practice a facilitated stretch in postures like Side Angle and Trikonasana. If we need to lean into the work of where we stand in terms of the various entry points, then this is where we can default to in our yoga practice. If we can already achieve flying balance in Eka Pada Koundinyasana II, then we can refine details, like leaning more forward or expanding by stretching each leg out more to the sides. There is always a place to step into our own challenge. When we choose consistency in the challenge, we find growth and increased potential.
Last chance to register for Matt’s upcoming Chromatic Global Training, which will support the further development of advanced postures like this one.
The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date
The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date
Article by Trish Curling
Video Extracted From: Flow and Fly Immersion
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