Free Videos and Blogs
Below you will find exclusive yoga videos and blogs to support your practice. You can also use the search bar if there is something specific you are looking for. Should you have any requests, please feel free to submit them using the comment form at the bottom. These videos are meant to support your growth as a yogi and to help you look inward to better understand your body. Every single body is unique, and it’s important to acknowledge that some of these techniques might unlock tremendous freedom, while others may not be suitable. Please be mindful as you explore, and if you are ever unclear on whether or not something will be good for you, please see a specialist to help guide you properly into your body. Thank you for practicing with me, and enjoy the free yoga resources!
Leg Over Head Pose
Leg Over Head PoseEKA PADA SIRSASANALEG OVER HEAD POSE Leg Over Head Pose is one of those postures that challenges not only our bodies but also our mindset. When faced with a seemingly impossible pose, we tend to respond in one of three ways: dismissing it as...
Spanda In Backbends
Spanda In BackbendsSIDE PLANKSPANDA IN BACKBENDS Spanda in backbends is the key to creating both stability and freedom in spinal extension. Backbends are not just about bending; they require a balance between expansion and controlled engagement to prevent excessive...
Bound Half Moon
Bound Half MoonBADDHA ARDHA CHANDRASANABOUND HALF MOON The elements involved in Bound Half Moon are many. There’s a lot at work and more than meets the eye. Our ears, eyes, muscles, and proprioception help us to balance. When it comes to which element carries more...
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatic Nerve Painhip strengthSCIATIC NERVE PAIN The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the glutes and down the leg, making it one of the longest nerves in the body. Because of its length, it can easily become irritated or pinched, leading to pain anywhere...
The SI Joint
The SI JointalignmentTHE SI JOINT What is the SI Joint? To understand what it is, we must discuss all that surrounds it. First, the Sacrum is a triangular-like shaped bone that sits between the two sides of the pelvis (the left Ilium and right Ilium). Now each Ilium...
Target The Hip Joint
Target The Hip JointalignmentTARGET THE HIP JOINT Unlike the hip joint, the movement available at the knee is primarily meant for flexion and extension. When we engage in hip opening postures in our yoga practice, there can be a great impact on both the hip and the...
Nurture The Neck
Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part. Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture. It’s important however, for us to be...
Reduce Hip Injuries
Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility. It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives. With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...
Flying Pigeon Variations
Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”. What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...
Crow Pose Drills
Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial. When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...
Inversion Journey
Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation, I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands. What we must understand...
Inversion Success
Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success. Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...
Shoulder Secrets
Shoulder SecretsbhujapidasanaSHOULDER SECRETS When approaching arm balances, it’s not unusual to go straight to a focus on the wrists. Having to bear our weight into the wrists while balancing our body weight can be an intimidating thought (especially if we don’t...
Twist Power
Twist Powerparsva bakasanaTWIST POWER It’s interesting what unfolds along our journey with our yoga practice. As we grow, learn, and begin to understand more about ourselves things change, we change. Not only do we learn so many things along the way, but in the yoga...
Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It
Lizard Like You've Never Seen Itutthan pristhasanaLIZARD LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT Familiarity in a yoga posture can feel really good. There’s a comfort in knowing exactly what to do when we get on a mat. The thing is, we can get caught up in thinking that the more...
Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out
Internal Rotation: Strengthen from the Inside OutShoulder MobilityINTERNAL ROTATION: STRENGTHENING FROM THE INSIDE OUT It’s not unusual for us to find ourselves spending too much time in a slouched position. It could be due to a job, our poor habits on our electronic...
Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus
Janu Sirsasana to Half LotusKurmasanaJANU SIRSASANA TO HALF LOTUS There’s never one single route to a posture we’re exploring. There are individual specifics we always need to consider. When it comes to hip opening postures like Janu Sirsasana and Half Lotus, we may...
Turtle Pose To Titibhasana
Turtle Pose to TitibhasanaKurmasanaTURTLE POSE TO TITIBHASANA Turtle Pose is not tiny by any means! There is a great deal that goes into its preparation. It’s also an excellent preparatory posture for Titibhasana. The journey between these two poses is marked by a...
Full Wheel
Full WheelUrdhva DhanurasanaFULL WHEEL Teaching an intentional class becomes inevitable when you follow the Chromatic system Matt has created. In Chromatic, we’re following a system that sets up the body for maximum execution within our fullest potential. When it...
Mastering Bakasana
Mastering BakasanaCrow PoseMASTERING BAKASANA We may never truly master a posture, but as we go on a journey of exploration towards our greatest potential within our asana practice, we most definitely become masters of our own awareness—cultivating the ability to...
Tuck Jumps
Tuck JumpsHandstandTUCK JUMPS Tuck jumps can be a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands. They're not the first step in the course of preparation, but they're definitely a way of identifying where strength and proprioception require attention. ...
Counter Rotations
Counter RotationsStabilityCOUNTER ROTATIONS The isolation of specific articulations in a yoga posture can be tricky to implement when we’re still learning how our bodies move. When we begin to explore counter rotations, this layer might feel confusing or even...
Bird Of Paradise
Bird of ParadiseSvarga DvijasanaBIRD OF PARADISE In Bird of Paradise, we’re balancing while binding, which can be quite an undertaking. Preparation for this posture requires shoulder mobility, hip mobility, and a tremendous amount of strength. What we also need to be...
A Tree Pose Treatment
A Tree Pose TreatmentVrksasanaA TREE POSE TREATMENT Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive...
Practice Peacock Pose
Practice Peacock PoseMayurasanaPRACTICE PEACOCK POSE We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose...
Eka Pada Koundinyasana I
Eka Pada Koundinyasana IArm BalanceEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA I If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg...
Achieve Flying Balance
Achieve Flying BalanceArm BalanceACHIEVE FLYING BALANCE Achieving an arm balance is quite extraordinary when you consider all that’s involved. And when we refer to an arm balance as a “flying balance,” there is even more involved. The “flying” in Eka Pada...
VirasanaHip ExtensionVIRASANA For some of us, postures like Virasana and Lotus can be uncomfortable or even painful for the knees, so we avoid them altogether. Depending on what we’re dealing with, this may be the best decision. If there is room for safe exploration,...
Get Bendy
Get BendySpinal MobilityGET BENDY In the yoga context, getting bendy can conjure up images of postures that may seem far-fetched or unattainable. What we should set our sights on instead is not an end result but rather all the things we learn while we're exploring...
Wall Drills To Progress In Handstand
Wall Drills to Progress in HandstandAdho Mukha VrksasanaWALL DRILLS TO PROGRESS IN HANDSTAND Wall drills for Handstand are an excellent way to master the mechanics required to go upside down with confidence. Using the wall as a support to refine alignment, rather than...
Mountain Pose Mechanics
Mountain Pose MechanicstadasanaMOUNTAIN POSE MECHANICS How often do we go back to refine the “basics”? Revisiting a posture like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) is like pruning a tree. We may have already developed a foundation, but it’s important to continue to clip away...
Plough Pose vs. Shoulder Stand
Plough Pose vs. Shoulder StandhalasanaPLOUGH POSE VS. SHOULDER STAND After we have engaged in postures that strengthen the posterior chain, Plough and Shoulder Stand offer a good stretch for these areas of the body. Plough in particular provides a more extensive...
Arm Balance Transitions
Arm Balance TransitionskakasanaARM BALANCE TRANSITIONS Arm balance postures can be challenging enough without attempting to layer on a smooth transition in and out of them. However, fluid transitions are a natural progression in our yoga practice; they also provide...
Hanumanasana Hints
Hanumanasana HintssplitsHANUMANASANA HINTS Applying intelligent techniques to a posture like Hanumanasana is crucial—simply hoping for the best is definitely not the way to go! That mindset leaves us vulnerable to injury. Hanumanasana is also the type of pose that can...
Chin Stand
Chin Standganda bherundasanaCHIN STAND Without a doubt, Chin Stand requires preparation. This posture must be approached with the utmost humility, essential in order to respect the potential risk. If this pose is not explored regularly in our physical practice, it may...
Postpone The Stretch Sensation
Postpone the Stretch SensationflexibilityPOSTPONE THE STRETCH SENSATION If one of the goals of our physical yoga practice is to increase flexibility, we may automatically believe that we just need to stretch more. It’s critical that we understand that increasing...
Wake Up Your Wheel Pose
Wake Up Your Wheel Poseheart openerWAKE UP YOUR WHEEL POSE We don’t have to question it—we know whether or not we’re feeling open, free, and strong in Wheel Pose. There’s a lightness and expansiveness that takes over when everything falls into place: From the initial...
Spinal Spaciousness
Spinal Spaciousnessdancer poseSPINAL SPACIOUSNESS Some key indicators of spinal health include strong bones, durable yet flexible ligaments, supple discs, and strong supportive muscles. Aside from nutrition, it’s not enough to say that movement in general is enough to...
Steps To Scorpion Pose
Steps to Scorpion PosevrschikasanaSCORPION POSE Exhilarating, stimulating, and enlivening are a few words we can use to describe Scorpion Pose. We can also use words such as grounding or even relaxing, which might initially be considered strange descriptors. When we...
Heart Opening Education
Heart-Opening EducationbackbendHEART-OPENING EDUCATION There is a great deal to learn with regard to heart-opening postures. Of course, negotiating the execution and being aware of the anatomy involved in various heart-opening poses are some of the initial...
PranayamabreathworkPRANAYAMA Pranayama helps us to more deeply connect to the energy that runs through us. This can be done via a variety of breathwork practices. It’s important to understand that the breath is the physical layer through which we can access prana...
Hip Opening Without Knee Pain
Hip Opening Without Knee Painhip mobilityHIP OPENING WITHOUT KNEE PAIN "Hip opening” in a yoga class just sounds glorious if we feel confined or constricted in this area of the body and our intention is to transform this experience. The term may not sound glorious,...
Strengthen Your Ankles
Strengthen Your Anklesfoot healthSTRENGTHEN YOUR ANKLES Our feet are the foundation of our bodies. Placing great emphasis on creating ankle stability and mobility during our asana practice should be obvious; unfortunately, this is not always the case. Maintaining a...
Yoga Props & Your Practice
Yoga Props and Your PracticealignmentYOGA PROPS AND YOUR PRACTICE When it comes to incorporating yoga props into our yoga practice, we can take 1 of 2 paths. We either subscribe to the notion that if we use props, we are somehow “less capable” than others in the...
Titibhasana Techniques
Titibhasana Techniquesfirefly poseTITIBHASANA TECHNIQUES There are some general rules to follow when executing arm balance postures. To find optimal balance, most require us not to shy away from leaning forward. They also demand a considerable degree of upper body...
Air Line Activation
Air Line Activationback strengthAIR LINE ACTIVATION Finding ways to effectively strengthen the back in our yoga practice can be a challenge. If our goal is to cultivate strength in this area of the body, we must understand that it requires more than just adding...
Double Stag Handstand
Double Stag HandstandbalanceDOUBLE STAG HANDSTAND Cultivating confidence is a non-negotiable when it comes to implementing a handstand practice. If handstands seem insurmountable even to consider, don’t fret; there might be an easier option. Easier? Really? Yes! Ok,...
Accelerated Handstand Development
Accelerated Handstand DevelopmentinversionACCELERATED HANDSTAND DEVELOPMENT Accelerating the process of achieving a goal comes from consistent practice, but it also depends heavily on the information and knowledge we’ve acquired. Whether a handstand is part of our...
Tweak The Twists In Your Yoga Practice
Tweak the Twists in Your Yoga PracticepadmasanaTWEAK THE TWISTS IN YOUR YOGA PRACTICE The definition of "tweak" here is the following: to improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it. This perfectly describes a major part of what’s involved in the...
Lotus Foundations
Lotus FoundationspadmasanaLOTUS FOUNDATIONS Lotus Pose requires a healthy amount of hip flexibility. For some, it comes easy. Reasons for this might be that the person is hypermobile in the hips, knees, and ankles and/or that many months or years of effort have been...

Recommended Classes & Courses
Looking to go further in your practice? Here is what I recommend.
Handstand and Arm Balances
Original price was: $168.00.$98.00Current price is: $98.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $168.00.$128.00Current price is: $128.00. Add to cart -
Step into The Fire
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
Freedom of The Heart
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
10 Day Handstand
Original price was: $498.00.$297.00Current price is: $297.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
Workshop Series-shoulder-mastery
Original price was: $98.00.$78.00Current price is: $78.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $48.00.$28.00Current price is: $28.00. Add to cart -
Blissful Hips
Original price was: $168.00.$98.00Current price is: $98.00. Add to cart -
Power of Bliss
Original price was: $168.00.$138.00Current price is: $138.00. Add to cart -
Chromatic Yoga 15 Hour Immersion
Original price was: $168.00.$138.00Current price is: $138.00. Add to cart -
From: Original price was: $464.00.$440.80Current price is: $440.80. Select options -
Original price was: $168.00.$138.00Current price is: $138.00. Add to cart -
Flow and Fly
$148.00 Add to cart -
$148.00 Add to cart -
Original price was: $128.00.$108.00Current price is: $108.00. Add to cart
Benefits of Yoga Teacher Training
Does Yoga Really Work? All You Need to Know
Research and studies show that yoga can help improve your overall health. Let’s find out how yoga really works. Fighting Obesity Obesity is one of the leading cases of deaths in the United States. Over the years, studies have proven that yoga can be...
Yoga and Body Aches: All You Need to Know
Many Americans, including young ones, are often found complaining about back pain and other similar body aches. While some pains are temporary, others are classified as chronic. People try different medicines and therapies to deal with their pain. However, many people...
Benefits of Becoming a Yoga Expert
Yoga is gaining popularity because there's a lot of research and evidence that supports its benefits on an individual’s lifestyle, mental, and physical health. It has now become a widely popular practice for cultivating a better mind-body connection. As a...
Health Benefits of Yoga for Aging People
Medical science and research has shown that yoga can potentially help improve overall health, which directly affects the progression of different diseases. While people of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from yoga, there are some great benefits for the aging...
Ways Yoga Can Help You Transform Your Life
Yoga is an ancient practice that historians attribute to Indus Valley civilization. Regardless of its origins, it’s becoming increasingly popular today. It’s not only a retreat from our chaotic lifestyles, but also brings with it many great health benefits. This blog...
Matt Giordano
Showing 1–12 of 72 results
Handstand and Arm Balances
Original price was: $168.00.$98.00Current price is: $98.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $168.00.$128.00Current price is: $128.00. Add to cart -
Step into The Fire
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
Freedom of The Heart
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
10 Day Handstand
Original price was: $498.00.$297.00Current price is: $297.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
Workshop Series-shoulder-mastery
Original price was: $98.00.$78.00Current price is: $78.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $48.00.$28.00Current price is: $28.00. Add to cart
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