Firefly Pose (Titibhasana) might have you thinking, “There is no way I’ll ever be able to do THAT pose!” Yes, for sure it requires strength and flexibility, but with the right application of techniques, you will surprise yourself.
Firefly is a pose I teach in many of my workshops and online immersion classes because it brings a lot of laughter and a lot of those “Aha!” moments with it. Just have a couple of yoga blocks (or books) and a nice big couch cushion, because you are probably going to find yourself accidentally seated a few times while learning. It’s part of the fun factor!
In the video below, I collected a few clips from online classes & immersions so you could see how I come into Firefly from different angles. Try this with me, and together we will unlock Firefly Pose, Titibhasana.
There are 4 key actions you can apply to your Firefly Pose right now. With consistent practice, your Firefly could take flight.
Learn 12+ arm balances while expanding your knowledge of the body and increasing your body awareness. All classes are 75 minutes and ALL-levels appropriate
- Crow Pose, Side Crow, and variations
- Flying Pigeon, Koundinyasana 1 & 2
- Titibhasana, Bhujapidasana
- Handstand, Forearm Stand, and many more!
SALE PRICE: $198.00 $128.00
Firefly Pose • Titibhasana
The following tutorial footage in this video snippet of Firefly Pose (Titibhasana) is taken from the March 2021 Immersion titled MOVE•BREATHE•RELEASE
Prep for Firefly Pose, or Titibhasana
To set up for Firefly Pose, Titibhasana, you first want to separate your feet so that they’re wider than your hips. Then bring a set of yoga blocks behind your feet.
Now, bring your arms to the inside of each leg, fingers facing forward. Bend generously into your knees, as if coming into a squat. Move your hands back behind your legs. Place the palms of your hands firmly on each block with hands wide. Fingers/hands turned outward a bit usually provides more ease on the wrists.
The final prep step is to bend your elbows, creating a sort of table for you to sit on. Be sure to keep your arms wide.
Now you’re ready for Firefly Pose, Titibhasana!
Master your skillset as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!
- Push into your hands and round your back, protracting your shoulder blades. That will activate your serratus anterior (shoulder blade muscles) and your core. You will instantly feel lighter as a result.
- Lift your heels and come onto your toes. Squeeze your legs toward each other. Miss this step and you’re likely to fall back.
- Now, keep that squeeze and TURN your legs in. Better yet, try this step one leg at a time to get the feel for the squeeze. This is a really important step! Teachers — here is a key tip if you are demonstrating this for your students: If you’re demonstrating this pose, emphasize the thighs rolling in (if the knees are bent that means the feet will actually go outward, so keep their attention on what your upper thighs are doing to avoid confusion).
- Lastly, and least importantly, straighten your legs (your knee joints) by activating your quadriceps.
Learn 12+ arm balances while expanding your knowledge of the body and increasing your body awareness. All classes are 75 minutes and ALL-levels appropriate
- Crow Pose, Side Crow, and variations
- Flying Pigeon, Koundinyasana 1 & 2
- Titibhasana, Bhujapidasana
- Handstand, Forearm Stand, and many more!
SALE PRICE: $198.00 $128.00
Can’t straighten your legs?
Many people tell me their hamstrings are too tight, so they can’t straighten their legs. That may be the case, OR it may be that the quadriceps are too weak against the tightness of the hamstrings. To be honest, approaching from the perspective of what to strengthen is usually far safer and more effective than just stretching.
Sit in a straddle position (don’t worry about how wide). Activate your quads by pulling your knee caps toward your hips and straightening your knees. Now, keep your right knee straight and lift your right thigh off the ground. Crazy how much of a challenge just this can be! You can lean back at first; that might help. Try each side. Even if you can’t get each leg off the ground, you will be developing your quad strength by trying to do this. Over time, you will get it! By strengthening your quads, eventually strength will win over inflexibility.
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1. MOVE•BREATHE•RELEASE (footage in above video), 12-class immersion
2. Arm Balance Immersion: 12 Classes — 12 Arm Balances
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